White Cat with Watering Can
White Cat with Watering Can
Original Oil Pastel on paper. Framed size: 29” W x 23 1/2” H. Double matted white, with black accent, using acid free mats, regular plexi-glass glazing and a Red Metal frame.
All the Paintings and Drawings on this page are for sale. Shipping will be extra, except in the case of Pick-up. I am in Parksville on Vancouver Island, so if you are anywhere near, we could arrange a pick-up time.
Original Oil Pastel on paper. Framed size: 29” W x 23 1/2” H. Double matted white, with black accent, using acid free mats, regular plexi-glass glazing and a Red Metal frame.
Paintings for Sale
Since oil pastels are done on paper, they must be framed for conservation purposes. The same is true for colored markers on paper. The some of the oil pastels pictured above are already framed, some are not. They need to be framed in order to protect the surface for shipping. I am able to arrange framing and can be contacted via the Contact Page. In the case of work done with colored markers and Watercolors, I have noted which ones are already framed and which ones are not. These are easily shipped, framed or not, as the image surface will not be disturbed by handling.
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