After moving to Vancouver Island from Calgary a number of years ago, I grew to expect signs of Spring in February. Snowdrops would be in full bloom, Winter Heathers would be starting to put on a show and the Irises would be well under way. Sometimes in a sheltered spot an early blooming Rhododendron would be putting on a great display.
All these things were happening until a couple of days ago. But now, we are like the rest of Canada, digging out, sweeping off, and waiting indoors for better weather. And, yes, making a trip to the grocery store in search of FLOWERS to brighten up the day. Yesterday, I found this glorious potted Chrysanthemum and brought it home to brighten my spirits. Thankfully, it is doing just that!
An IMAGE of this beautiful, pink, Chrysanthemum can be yours to download from the SHOP page of this website under IMAGES.
Prints, Posters, Cards, and many Gift items with my image of Chrysanthemums can be ordered from Fine Art America. Go to FAA on this website.